A downloadable game


In this work we are presenting a novel virtual learning environment  (VLE) for gravitational waves using a field density representation.

Spacetime is visualized in the form of a blue density grid and objects in the visualization do not use realistic scaling. Objects in space and each (sub-)point of the grid in the representation are distorted every frame according to a precalculated density grid.

This project was developed for a userstudy and was not initially intended to be published. It is only for demonstration purposes.



Toggle Manual Mode (for usage without VR headset): M. This switches arrow control from earth to the "measuring device"

Important: The current immersion values are adjusted for our testing environment with a HTC Vice Pro Eye. In order to manipulate those values ingame and adjust them to your HMD use the values 1-2 and 3-4 for eye convergence and eye distance respectively

  • VR controls:
        Offset to current position with manual controls (see below). 
  • Binary star system:
        Change distance: Trigger + Up or Trigger + Down
        Change angular velocity: Trigger + Left or Trigger + Right
  • Manual Mode (PC) controls:
        Moving in x-z space: W, S, Q and E
        Turn left right: A and D
        Up - Down: Space and C
        Tilt up - down: Shift + W and Shift + S

        Moving in x-z space: Arrow Up, Left, Down, Right
        Up - Down: O and L

    Binary star system:
        Change distance: Z and U
        Change angular velocity: H and J


GravViz.zip 9.4 MB